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Demetria Rupkey 

A.S. Liberal Arts, Professional Certified Coach (AUNLP)

Founder & President, Certified Life Coach, Ordained Minister


If there is one thing I am intimately familiar with it is change. The changing seasons of our lives can vary from one end of the spectrum to the other and I have had my fair share of changing seasons. At almost 40 years old I can say that I have traveled all over the United States, started completely over more times than I can count and gained insight to the human condition of - change. Life has been a roller coaster of changing seasons and I have learned from each change. I started coaching because I simply love to help people and I love to see people flourish. With me you will not find the business suits and fancy meetings - nope - You will find meetings on the beach, the coffee house or wherever you may find yourself more comfortable. 
I am a mother of 5 and wife to an amazing man who supports me in all that I do in life. We reside in sunny Florida not too far away from my favorite place - the ocean. We are situated in Fort Myers, Florida and we love it here. I think this is possibly the greatest change in season we have experienced. Our children are 21, 20, 17, 16 and 8 and with their age variety is the variety of individuals they are growing into - fabulous kids! We also have the most amazing dogs on the planet :) - ok, so I am probably exaggerating a little there but - they are pretty awesome. 

Demetria Rupkey - Certified Life Coach & Ordained Minister

When I was going through a tough change in my life at age 60 I stumbled across Demetria on accident actually. We started having regular meetings at the local park while my grandadughter played and with her guidance and help - I have navigated my situation and this life transition with success. 


R.A. Jones



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